Tracks > NoSQL Technology Evaluation

Tuesday, 8/21/2012
Afternoon Tutorials 01:30 PM - 04:45 PM
Title Speakers Audience
PM3: Hadoop and HBase: Motivations, Use cases and Trade-offs Jon Hsieh, Cloudera
Technical - Introductory
Wednesday, 8/22/2012
Keynote Presentation 09:00 AM - 09:45 AM
Title Speakers Audience
Then Our Buildings Shape Us: A new way to think about NoSQL technology selection Tim Berglund, DataStax
Business / Non-Technical
Conference sessions 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
Title Speakers Audience
Why and When You Should Use Redis Josiah Carlson, ChowNow Inc.
Technical - Introductory
OldSQL, NoSQL, and NewSQL, Huh? Mike Bowers, LDS Church
Technical - Intermediate
NoSQL Products and Services 12:30 PM - 01:00 PM
Title Speakers Audience
Go Simple, Fast, Elastic with Couchbase Server and Document-oriented Data Management Dipti Borkar, Couchbase
Technical - Intermediate
Conference sessions 02:15 PM - 03:00 PM
Title Speakers Audience
NoSQL Kool-Aid - Shaken Not Stirred; Real Reasons for using NoSQL or RDBMS Raghu Bala, Source Interlink Media
Jeffry Morris, Source Interlink Media
Jonathan Hara, Source Interlink Media
Technical - Introductory

Produced By: Dataversity

Conference Management By: Wilshire Conferences, Inc.