PM2: Introduction to Graph Databases
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  Leon Guzenda   Leon Guzenda
Objectivity, Inc.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012
01:30 PM - 04:45 PM

Level:  Technical - Introductory

This tutorial will provide you with a basic understanding of graph database technology and the ability to quickly begin development of a graph database application. You will have the capability to recognize graph-based problems and present the benefits of using graph technology for problem resolution.

The tutorial will give you an understanding of:

  • Graph theory - origins and concepts
  • Benefits of graph databases
  • Different types of graph databases
  • Typical graph database API
  • Programming basics
  • Use cases
Bring your laptops for a hands-on opportunity to practice some sample codes. A basic understanding of Java programming is a recommended prerequisite to understand this course. This session is led by the InfiniteGraph technical team and the demonstration code will be drawn from InfiniteGraph examples, however the broader educational presentation is product-neutral and not a commercial presentation of their products.

To participate in the hands-on portion of the graph tutorial users must have:

  • Java programming experience
  • Java Developer Kit (JDK)
  • Current InfiniteGraph installed on laptop. (To download visit
  • HelloGraph test – Upon installing IG, run HelloGraph to test the install. (HelloGraph can be found online at )

Leon Guzenda was a founding member of Objectivity, Inc. in 1988, one of the original architects of Objectivity/DB and Chief Technology Officer. He now consults with the company and works with Objectivity's Big Data and Analytics customers/partners to deploy Objectivity/DB and InfiniteGraph, a high performance, scalable graph database.

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