Wednesday, August 22, 2012
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
Level: | Technical - Introductory
Graphs are everywhere. From websites adding social capabilities to Telcos providing personalized customer services, to innovative bioinformatics research, organizations are adopting graph databases as the best way to model and query connected data. If you can whiteboard, you can model your domain in a graph database.
In this session Andreas Kollegger provides an introductory look at the graph model with Neo4j, the world’s leading graph database.
Learn how a NoSQL graph database can simplify application development—resulting in shorter development times, lower maintenance costs and higher performance.
This crash course provides overview on the technology that is revolutionizing the use of connected data within the enterprise and beyond.
Andreas Kollegger is a core member of the Neo Technology team, focused on delivering the Neo4j graph database as a frictionless experience in the cloud. He holds over a decade’s worth experience in software development in open source, corporate, and nonprofit communities. Throughout his public talks, blogs and code, Andreas applies a graph-like philosophy he likens to that used by chess-legend Bobby Fischer--seeing all interconnected moves and choosing the best solution.