Analytica: Analytics for MongoDB and NoSQL Databases
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  Christoph Bussler   Christoph Bussler
Chief Architect/VP
Analytica, Inc.
  Roger Bodamer   Roger Bodamer
Analytica, Inc.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012
12:30 PM - 01:00 PM

Level:  Business / Non-Technical

Analytica is an analytics product that operates natively on NoSQL databases. The analytics queries are directly executed against the NoSQL data model without requiring any form of ETL or data transformation. The analytics results are presented in a variety of interfaces, including Excel and HTML. In addition, a REST interface allows the access to the analytics server from custom dashboards.

The presentation outlines the conceptual model that supports the direct execution of declarative analytics queries against NoSQL data models, especially JSON-based document models. The declarative query language mirrors the document model leading to a natural interface. Furthermore, the presentation introduces the distributed architecture of Analytica that provides universal access to all users in an enterprise.

Several use cases of complex analysis implemented on native NoSQL databases are discussed.

  • Analytica conceptual model
  • Analytica distributed architecture
  • Analytics use cases with Analytica

Chris leads the technical aspects of product engineering at Analytica. Prior to Analytica, Chris held senior architecture and engineering positions at Oracle, Merced Systems, BEA Systems, Cisco Systems and was a co-founder at Digital Enterprise Research Institute. Christoph earned a MS and PhD in CS from the Technical University of Munich, and the University of Erlangen-Nuernberg.

Roger has been working on data and databases for the past 20 years. Prior to co-founding Analytica, Roger incubated the West Coast office for 10gen. His experience leading product development and engineering teams includes 12 years with Oracle's Database and Application Server development organization where he pioneered products that delivered heterogeneous interoperability, as well as several years as COO/SVP of product operations and engineering at Apple's PowerSchool division. Roger holds a bachelors degree in CS from the HogeSchool Enschede.

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